Monday, September 10, 2007

Spreading the Word

The focus of many of my blog posts will be word-of-mouth, buzz, or viral marketing, whichever you prefer to call it. Therefore, for my first discussion within this category, who better to talk about than an organization that is dedicated to the subject? I spent some time reading over the Word of Mouth Marketing Association website found at This venture helped me gain a lot of basic knowledge on the topic. It also explained what the organization does and why an organization is needed for such a topic.

One line I picked out of the whole site that really stuck out was "Word of mouth is a pre-existing phenomenon that marketers are only now learning how to harness, amplify, and improve". I think the concept that it is a pre-existing phenomenon is what pulled me into this style of marketing. People are going to talk no matter what. Then, considering people's tendency to avoid marketing, it is amazing that their everyday conversation and opinions are actually segmented into a style of marketing.

Three men who were all prominent in marketing developed WOMMA. They were at the forefront of word of mouth marketing and realized the vitality of the concept. Today WOMMA is made up of many businesses that are all dedicated to creating a positive buzz amongst consumers. There are some very noteworthy names found on the list including, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and Coca-Cola. Any organization can become a member. There are different levels of involvement. Some take part in governing, while others simply support the development of WOM. All members have access and are invited to take part in the WOMMA world. The corporation holds many conferences that bring members together physically, as well weekly teleconferences. There is also numerous blogs that are hosted by the company, which members often post the latest "buzz" on.

I think the creation of WOMMA was an innovative idea. The word of mouth still has so much room for development. It really is a very special type of marketing that can learn to "harness" the everyday communications between consumers. I just have one question. Why did it take so long for someone to tell me about WOMMA?

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