Monday, November 19, 2007

What Do A Gorilla And An Underwear Model Have In Common?

I discussed last week how internet videos are on the rise. There are many opportunities to be had from all the video posting and viewing that goes on every day. I discussed way back when the video of Britney Spears spreading virally like wild fire and then some of the other videos that took advantage of the spike in Britney interest to leverage themselves. Well this has happened once again. It also ties into my recent observation of who sex sells. The original viral video is for Cadbury and it was posted on youtube 2 months ago.

Despite a Phil Collins soundtrack and a gorilla suit this video was not very popular. It made its rounds in the buzz of youtube, but basically only confused people. Very little connection and the humor isn’t not very strong. This is where opportunity arises. The spoof is created. Wonderbra took advantage on the fact the Cadbury film was well known, but not enjoyed. They launched their own version this week.

I think this film offers just a bit more connection to the brand than Cadbury’s. However, I can only imagine that it will be more popular due to the sex appeal. In fact, I’m sure a fair share of people who haven’t even seen the Cadbury version will be amused by Wonderbra’s spoof. Sex sells once again.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

5 points - good comparison of the videos